Season 2013/14 is on!
There are some new skis, some improvements, some minor tweaks
We`ll keep you posted
Without any doubt, shredding snowparks imposes the greatest wear and stress on ski gear. That`s why park skis are ideal carriers of technology: if a construction is up to the task in a terrain park it certainly is qualified for big mountains as well.
KD has been on the team since the very beginning. While we improved our skibuilding skills she improved her skiing skills and is successfully competing these days. As she was still riding a very early model it was time to update her quiver. We took our proven park shape, improved its weight, increased its stiffness and added some pop. The amount of carbon we put into these skis is second to no other freestyle ski.
Glad to have you on our boards!
While building a special pair of OKANOs we took our time to document some steps during the process. enjoy!
The winter finally returned after some weeks of spring like conditions in december/january. We managed to get in some nice runs – and hope there are more to come!
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[lightbox group=”blog_17″ href=””][/lightbox] | [lightbox group=”blog_17″ href=””][/lightbox] | came to see how we build skis here at – check out their article with some exclusive insights and photos: Plywood – Ein Blick über die Schulter des Skibauers (Report only available in German).
Furthermore there`s an interview where you get some background information on how got starte, what`s the motivation behind it all and where we`re heading – maybe: Interview mit dem Skibauer David Jäger (Interview only available in German).
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An additional, very exclusive insight on how a plywood ski is born! it`s as easy as that.SHISHIDO is coming soon! featured PLYWOOD.CH on their blog! Check out their report on “precious design from Switzerland” (only available in German) schrieb unter dem Titel “Edles Design aus der Schweiz” einen Artikel über PLYWOOD.CH. ist einer der grössten Onlineshops für Sportartikel und Outdoor-Zubehör. Den ganzen Artikel über PLYWOOD.CH findest du hier
Our first official skitest with a telemark setup. We put Terasaka up to the task and he defended its reputation as a badass high speed charger:
[blockquote cite=”Test by, tested with Rottefella R4 bindings, September 2011″]Terasaka was very special (…): this ski prefers straighlining and provides an incredible stability at high speeds. [/blockquote]
The telemarkfriends tested our flagship with Rottefella R4 cable bindings – a binding far too sloppy for a plank like this. We personally mounted Terasaka with NTN, skiing on blue (medium stiff) Power Tubes set to 4 (on a scale of 1-5). As our alpine reviewers already concluded earlier this ski demands an active style of riding and this is no different for telemark. This ski is a beast, so you need an appropriate binding to tame it.
Access the full review on Terasaka by here (available only in German).
Last friday we exhibited our skis at the Freeride Opening Chur. This season opening was established by Kick the Vik and featured a ski exhibition, a podium discussion and a movie – all in all a pretty nice event, especially as PLYWOOD.CH was chosen by the audience voting to be the brand with the best overall impression of all the exhibitors.
Check out Viktors Report or click here to read the full article on Kick the Vik (only available in German).
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Summer time equals skibuilding time. We`re experimenting with new kinds of woods and sealing processes to make the topsheets last even longer.
Up next: new graphics